

I am an accredited itinerant Guitar Tutor & I offer private ONE ON ONE and GROUP tuition in GUITAR/BASS and UKULELE in the North West of County Durham.

Lessons designed exclusively for the student are usually offered in the comfort of your own home, but during COVID, where SOCIAL DISTANCING became a key factor, a lot of that comfort established an ON-LINE presence. For me this resulted in the boundaries of North West Durham opening up Nationally and beyond.

I’ve been playing guitar now for more decades than I care to admit, but I do know, as with anything, when you’ve been doing something for a while you build up a wealth of experience along the way. I’m both happy and proud to be in a position to offer that experience to students who want to pursue FORMAL QUALIFICATIONS, or just simply want to be able to strum for fun for their Family, their friends, or maybe just for themselves.

I am a member of The REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS, (R.G.T.), the biggest guitar educators on the Planet. I’ve been an accredited member of the R.G.T. for more than fifteen years. During this time, every single student I have entered for an exam has passed, usually with flying colours.

The R.G.T. also happens to be the Guitar Wing of the World famous LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC. So welcome, you’re in pretty good company.