Learn to play in a variety of genres or styles including:







Music Theory

Sight Reading

You can learn formally towards a grading exam.

You can gain an internationally recognised qualification, or you can learn to play simply just for fun, for the therapeutic and relaxing benefits that music always brings along with it.

You can do this face to face, in a group or on line.

Learn some skills & techniques that will always be there for you on your life journey and, why not learn some of your favourite songs & entertain family members & friends along the way.

On-line Play-Along Group

The On-line Play-along night is jumping right now and it might be something that will interest you. We meet every Monday night around 7:30pm for a bit of on-line, live musical interaction.

We use Googlemeet as our platform, but don’t worry if you don’t have it, because all you need is the invitation. You just click on this using any device and you’re in. Also, once you do receive the invite, you just use it over and over again. In fact, everyone usually uses their link around 7:15pm ahead of the 7:30pm start time just for some chat and banter.

Anyone can join in, what ever your standard, in fact, whatever your instrument. The session is an hour long and is FREE.

Get in touch if you’re interested or keep an eye on the Latest News page for updates.

Guitar Clubs

These are interactive groups for guitarists. 

They are based at two different locations:- Bullion Hall in Chester le Street and Blackhill Community Centre.

For more information click on the link